For those of you whom have become faithful readers of this work in progress, I say thank you! In light of this, to save any inconvenience that may occur on your part as a result of daily check-ins, I would just like to inform all of you whom this applies that there may be a short lapse in time before there will be any new postings added to this site. This is a result of having to take a wee bit of time to complete some other important projects that are in need of attention. My hope is that within a week or so, all will be back to normal .... sorry for any inconvenience this may bring about - thank you for your consideration in this regard!! Please feel free to continue to browse at your leisure and be sure to pass along to anyone you feel may receive some benefit from the readings ... May each of your days be filled with the opportunities to experience growth; the patience to allow for what may first appear as unneeded interruptions; and the openness to know the divinity that flows through all things .... blessings - apachebluemoon