This post is a sharing of what has transpired from the visit to the chapel on June 10, 2007. I share this with the utmost trust knowing that these words will find their way into the hearts of those seeking such an experience with self first ... and then beyond. Thank you for the courage to receive all that is divinely placed before us at all times ... this is my prayer for all - apachebluemoon
SACRED INTIMACY - written June 16, 2007
Love has so many different faces
Love can lead us to such wondrous places
And then there you stood, and my heart opened wide
to the memory I've had more than a thousand times
I never knew it to be
Until I looked in your eyes
Then a calm came over me
As I truly realized ...
chorus - You have been the one I have been searching for
You are the one that's brought me to this door
Forever in my dreams, never understanding why
Until the moment I seize, this depth of love to be
None of this makes sense
Yet this is all I've come to know
So many worlds apart
Yet I can feel you deep in soul
With every blessed breath I take
I would love to hear your call
I will patiently await
And try not to fall ...
chorus -
There's no need for expectations
For I know the truth at hand
God has a way of orchestrating
Heaven's magic plan
So please come take my hand
Let us walk the next while
There is work for us to do
To let the light of love shine through
chorus - Baby, you are the one I have been searching for
Yes, you are the one this heart is longing for
Forever in my dreams, now fully realized
Yes you and I are one, divine sacred intimacy!
... I have since been told from the powers that be and the ones whom guide that these lyrics will be put to music and soon recorded and released for the world to hear ... namaste my beautiful ones and feel free to comment should you so desire - apachebluemoon