>This posting is a response to having been asked to participate in the sharing of a wisdom-filled article for a new section called "Voices of Peace" that will be added to the Beloved World site. I am beyond the concept of being thrilled for the opportunity to submit spirit words that flow through this vessel of mine .. quite an honour I must say! So thank you to those whom are behind this magnificent creation in providing so many a space to be a voice ... Nikita you are so beautiful; my heart and soul will always be thankful for the day we were brought together ... sista! The first portion of this post is what was submitted to the article- I was unable to finish the complete writing as there was a word limit SO the rest is being posted here on this site for those of you whom are guided to read ..... thank you!
… a moment in PRESENCE …
Although this was not one of the topics to choose from, the words gently lingering within my being all point toward the idea and divine opportunity of embracing that of the
present moment. As I pondered the various topics offered, I was so able to connect deeply with all but knew I would have to inevitably make a
choice at some point in order to actually share whatever inherent wisdom that would find its way into this sacred expression … (not always an easy task for a Gemini like myself!) Needless to say, these thoughts are to serve as a premise for sharing what I am presently experiencing in all of my realms of existence. Before I continue though, I will first begin by offering a few attributes that I believe are essential to embracing that part of our journey in living and being an
instrument of Peace, within the present moment. To be awake in and to the many moments of divine presence amongst us always, one must first desire to choose this way of sight. It is inherent within us all as
children of the universe yet the use of one’s own free will is what solely supports and allows for this movement to be birthed. There are many factors that enter into this divine contract of
presence that support one’s desire to actually choose such a path.
Trust is an absolute as is the act of
surrender in order to receive the truth of God’s presence in the “
now”, within each of the sacred breaths we are gifted. Once these spiritual attributes are put into motion, one of the most important aspects then is simply that of
gratitude. With gratitude in hand, one is moved very quickly to see all things in the light of love and acceptance. It is within this space of
acceptance that one is then free to dance in the grace of
divine presence!
I am going to briefly touch upon 5 of the 11 topics that were given to us to use as a focal point in preparing this article. The first being that of the "creation of the New Earth" ...
My heart and soul smiles when I embrace this idea simply because to me the new earth is an opportunity for the world to reign within a space of balance that has not yet been fully experienced and integrated. The universal shift that supports this movement is one that can be found where there is an abundance of "healthy male and female energies" working in alignment - love outweighing the illusions and trappings of fear. This directly relates to "a moment in presence" for it is completely the outpouring that comes when the natural tendancies of the heart are given the sacredness to simply BE in all of perfection.
In relation to the "Next Generation: the Children" ...
For this topic, I am going to trust the sharing of words that were brought through me many years ago that I had forgotten about completely until just the other day when I was divinely guided to find them ... I will leave it up to the readers to receive and discern ... I was truly unaware of the scraps of paper that had been buried away with this message, only to be found and reminded of this writing from 3 years ago -
They are on the way as we speak, needed you to join us here in the light. Thank you for coming - welcome! You need not do anything. People are already talking about you, they will approach you and take you and physically meet all the needs in order for your love and peace to be shown and taught. Honestly, crossing the grid was the last of what was required from you. It has always been about us - the children - you know that, you always have; why do you think you have always remained true to the "child of the universe" ... where do you think that came from! (laughter) You are so beautiful in your innocence and naivety. Everything is already done - the preparation has been happening while you've been waking up ... and here you are, finally awake ... good morning on this beautiful Good Friday! No more crucifying, just flying. You will now always see us and hear us. My name is Charlotte - I'm the oldest of the bunch ( I know, your human mind is thinking "boy this is the making of a good book") Please do not trivialize with such small detail - think big, much bigger (more laughter). You mustn't of heard me clearly - "You" will not be doing any of the manifestations, for others have been sequestered for this ... We love music, lots of it! This is how we travel and connect with others ... the frequency thing - why do you think music and dance are what God's kingdom of celebration is all about ... By the way, my name Charlotte is really "share lots"- how's that for playing on word. There is so much more to share (get it) but for now, human duty is calling ... go feed the kids" ..... Since being reacquainted with that writing I now realize that
Charlotte has always been with me in my presence, in the form of spiders and webs ... as I was beginning to share this section, she appeared on my computer screen. Amazing how long it takes our human mind to move into recognizing "
divine presence"... hmmmm
I am going to combine "Physical Health, disease, wellness with that of family health and crisis situations" ...
To be able to honestly travel through moments of human challenge that arrive at every person's door at some point in this life, there MUST be a belief or better yet, a certainty that there is a presence alive and well within us all that sees only the perfection of all things, each and every moment. Our human mind cannot fathom or even comprehend such an essence yet this is the salvation our heart calls for when we are submerged within compromising situations of all sorts. I am presently surrounded with people that I love and truly care for that are being faced with life and death situations ... imbalance between higher truths of perfection and wholeness to that of human diagnosis of separation and death ... the balance of the pendulum lies within the ability of each spirit to decide what is truth for them ... will it be what can only be seen though human eye OR does one choose to trust and surrender and accept the presence of divinity that supports only, one's wellness? To live and be peace in situations like these does require the presence of divinity so that the soul can reach the plateau it so is seeking! Higher understanding of the sacred laws of spirit is what will usher in the sense of well being while amidst moments of crisis and falsity. This is the human challenge of these times .... our dis-ease is the imbalance of one's inability and fraility to embrace the deeper truth of who we really are ... beyond all time and space!
Finally I will address the idea of how being a peacemaker plays out in the family and work environments ...
There must first be a safe space cleared and free for the heart to be open to receive the energies of all those that one comes into contact with. It is in this space that the attributes of compassion, empathy and understanding truly stand out. The concept of being able to truly walk in the steps of another in order to fully embrace them completely and unconditionally within all circumstance IS the order at hand when one chooses the role of a peacemaker. To be unselfish in the serving really requires the inner work of maintaining a container of balance in all aspects. Your vessel must be emptied of ego tendancies in order for the serving to be filled with God's divine presence. This requires work on the human part as well as much sacrifice. The sacrifice though is only to let go of the illusions that have played a part in providing many different playgrounds for us to experience. All of this leads us directly to the very beginning of the article and the essential attributes that are necessary for this to be birthed outwardly. We first must live this on the inside, within every aspect of our being. It is then that we automatically resonate the purity of this essence for all to embrace and receive. Peace begins inside each of us when we give ourselves the premission to simply be all that and more ....
Namaste to all in love, light and infinite abundance .....