The importance of self-love is immeasureable. The healing of one's spirit, truly, is dependant upon one's ability to first embrace the gift of love that resides within us all and then engage in the natural process of giving. Love is "for giving" .... it is within this process that the heart will receive all of what is needed. To love the self appears to be a simple concept. I do believe that people have the present awareness to understand that most inner challenges can be resolved through the process of self-love. The obstacle however that continually surfaces in this growth process is the simple fact that although most people can recite the idea of self-love, there appears to be no clear means of attaining this inherent gift that resides within all hearts. Yes, there are thousands of self-help books and seminars readily available to those whom are seeking guidance on this topic. The industry supporting this form of expression is truly on the rise as so many of us are needing methods to deal with the dis-eases of today's society. The increasing need to feel and know inner peace is something that is becoming an important staple in our existence. There has been a definite shift within the universe that is now in support of the feminine principles. We are seeing more and more celebrities utilize their own platforms in an attempt to create a humanitarian awareness to suppport a movement into that of compassion and uncondional love. This truly is the beginning of more to come ... as spoken in the words of John Lennon ... "imagine all the people, living life in peace" ....
I came across a quote written by Share Gardner that I would like to share regarding ones' interpretation of self-love. It is as follows: Self-love is the single most important healing concept you can master in your journey toward enlightenment. No medicine is as effective, no energy as powerful, no process as simple. No matter who you are or what your life story is all about, learning to think of yourself with warmth, generosity and nurturance will add a hugh measure of abundance and joy to your life and to the lives of those you touch -
... may your journey begin ....
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