Well ... to those of you whom are my male readers, this title should grab your attention! Relax, there are no judgements or sly comments coming - in fact, mere observation. Today was very interesting as it brought forth the opportunity for me to serve as a sounding board for a few special people. The main theme spoken and shared was that of the "male energies" and how the fears and control play a crucial part in so many of the relationship playgrounds we all find ourselves in, no matter the depth of evolution! Now this is not to say one has to be male in body parts in order to experience the male energy ... quite on the contrary, as each of our beautiful beings are made up of both feminine and masculine tendancies. What is being referred to here is the element of the ego when in the mode of control ... when the feminine qualities of love, understanding and compassion are being buried and hidden within the expression of doubts, ignorance, supreme assertiveness, judgements etc. We have all experienced this, some firsthand within self and/or on the receiving end of another being. Nonetheless, the manner in which it is delivered is not really the issue at hand. The truth being touched upon here is the damage to the spirit when one is involved in this form of energy exchange. It is said that, "there is nothing to control, it is only a state of being...." My heart tells me this is true and as a present, loving spiritual being here on this earth plane to experience the human experience - it does seem fitting that there would have to be moments where both of the energy components within us would need to find their own means of healthy expression. The key though, is to recognize and support the "healthy expression" of both our own masculine and feminine qualites all awhile honouring the balance that resides within that very sacred dynamic. My sweet precious friend whom ended our conversation with , "it is just so fundamentally male", is being honoured and showered with gratitude tonight for her profound awareness and insight. I acknowledge this gift of truth that those words have brought forth for all to contemplate; for truly when there IS a balance, there is nothing to control! My prayer for all in this moment, is for a space of silence in which to bath and cleanse our souls free; to embrace the responsibility that lays within the gifting of any wisdom which is always, "the ability to respond" ... may your beings be surrounded and engulfed within the light of the very balanced holy spirit as you lay your heads down to rest tonight ... god bless to all - apachebluemoon