What an interesting time I find self and soul in these last few weeks. The birthing of a new year, the dawning of innocence and flow of long awaited and embraced wisdom sits before us all should we be willing to say "yes" to all of what it entails. Does the commitment of today's yes align itself with yesterday's knowings or have those too been given an opportunity to expand as does the universe right before our very own eyes! Do we remain placed in the so very comfortable roles we have become familar with or do we dare step up and out into the vulnerability that accompanies the journey of the heart back into sacred soul? Questions appear each and every moment for one to decide the next move ... confusions as the matrix or puzzle pieces of our lives are rearranged and placed in their sanctioned space of perfection. Where does one go when darkness shows it's magical calling; how does one face the unknowingness of what anything truly means? I have challenged my being these last few weeks in the hope of having all be revealed as I continue on to surrender to what has become the only reality I can ever know for my self and being from this point forward. It has taken me back into my foundation ... a gift to see all of who I am and not through the eyes of others but rather through that of my creator. My essence that sometimes appears fragmented and torn as others' seek solace within their own understandings, through me, of what life and purpose mean to them while in their own travels. Divine appointments with the mother and father of me, this being I have so come to know, once again. I have touched the love that has never left me or can never be destroyed; no matter who chooses to see this and accept this. The realness of spending 7 hours alone in the blessed sanctuary in direct commune with those ascended masters who are with me every moment, every breath ... my life can never or will ever be the same again. To be allowed this profound experiece of dancing with the angels, singing in complete harmony, surrendering to the calibration of miracles .... how can I ever give into the darkness after having felt the presence of all? Today I give the completeness of my heart - I honour and acknowledge the infinite gratitude I have for all beings, all life, all love! I have been shown the truth that I had so long ago asked to be shown but so afraid to embrace. The power of the feminine, the beauty of divine sacred union - all of this and so much more. I am home .. in the arms of those who will guide me to reach beyond and offer the truth to all whom desire to be reached and shown the love of God that dwells within the gift of divine creation. I wipe the tears from falling as I write this from the very depth of my heart, my oneness with the essence of all life. Remember the truth, embrace the foundation, uphold the spirit that makes this day worth living .... in love and light with peace as your guide ... apachebluemoon
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