My personal thought regarding success comes more from an inner feeling versus outside criteria. This is how I've been guided from spirit to know just where to place my energies and in what projects are worthy of my serving in that given moment. This requires an abundance of trust in higher wisdom as there are times along this path that one may not truly see the higher purpose or measure of success. The whole idea of surrendering to this knowing has always provided me with the personal attainment of what my heart equates to success. In order to function in this capacity it is necessary to have "full belief" in the universal laws and "self"! When I find myself in a state of awe and peace, I am certain of the success that is;
... may each of you connect with the inner courage it takes to realize the depth of your success just waiting to be transformed... apachebluemoon
"Every situation, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity - you must act on them though to be successful. Distant pastures always appear greener than those at close hand but real opportunities are right where you are. You must simply take advantage of them when they appear. You can start where you are at any time. Success is all around you. It is not in your environment, its not in luck or chance or in the help of others. Success is in yourself alone. You don't need more strength or more ability or greater opportunity. What you need is to use what you have. Learn to seize good fortune, for it is always around you. You must go to success, it doesn't come to you. Open your own doors to opportunity". - Max Steingart
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