A big thank you is being sent from my heart to a very dear friend whom in her kindness was guided to forward this quote onto me this morning. I feel compelled to share this as a means of perhaps offering support to those who are within personal moments of challenge ....
"When we come to the edge of the light we know and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, of this we can be sure ... either God will provide something solid to stand on or ... we will be taught to fly." author unknown
I am truly grateful for these words as there is a deep knowing that many people at this time are facing many difficult decisions that will in fact "change" the course of their direction! Hope is a required element that will allow for the evolution into certainty. Peace and serenity comes from the knowing that "we are and will always be" taken care of. Once this idea can integrate into our reality, the difficulties and obstacles that we face can then be looked upon as opportunities for growth -
Hope provides for a space of strength to enter in; strength provides for a space of choice; within the strength to choose the act of surrender, movement to a higher place of peace will pervail .... may these words be my gift of hope to all - apachebluemoon
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