Friday, November 30, 2007

dedicated to "an eagles soul"

It does happen to all at some point in our lives .. we are prepared and given the choice for a new freedom of flight! As this year finds its way to completion, I ponder the wonders of the past almost 12 months and the many numerous changes that have been brought forth for me on a deep personal level - all for the purpose of higher growth and understanding. The mesmerizing awe of seeing this beautiful creature take flight right before my eyes after being summoned through prayer not even 3 hours prior; and then to witness his magnificence as he showed himself to me in complete confidence that we both would know the deeper meaning of his presence - this left me truly in complete gratitude and reverence for all life and things gifted and brought forth in the highest state of love and infinite grace!
Although change can bring with it much uncertainty at times, the freedom that reigns when one can simply let go, trust and allow for the movement and spreading of life's wings is beyond anything that the heart can physically describe - it truly is an experience of the sacred divine in its finest moments. "We need only open our eyes to let the fears away ...." - " to see all that stands before us, waiting for us to choose ..."
This blogsite has gifted me with the incredible opportunity to reach those whom are being guided to discover, nurture and embrace their own path of flight. For this I am and will be forever grateful to the powers that be that make all of these gifts possible. As the new year is soon to find its way, so too will a newness of expression be birthed for me. There will soon be the unveiling of the long awaited website that will support the continued growth and expansive creativity needing to be shared ... "as we grow so does our inner most desires for a much broader scope and landscape!"
This year has been one out of a fairytale book for me in terms of how the power of prayer, enlightened vision and true heart manifestation all come together in the most exquisite form of one's life dance in complete peace and harmony ... there is still more to come, I know, before this year can be released - still a few moments of final preparation, gratitude, gifting and receiving before the newness can dawn! It will be next weekend that I will be "fully walking into who I truly am" - when the initiation into one's own divine self-mastery will be fully recognized and bestowed in heart ... 41 years to physically see what was chosen and placed into the arms of the universe at the age of 14 - there are no mistakes!!! I will hold all whom have blessed me in my journey thus far and offer my deepest gratitude and love for the infinite ways you have all helped me reach this point of higher sight heart sings for all - thank you! I have been held and guided by the most loving of all beings ... the path that lays before me, the medicines that have been presented - all as movement into the honouring of the deepest recognition of truth in remembering that of our divine essence ... sacred love! My heart has become one through the embrace of your light and love "white buffalo calf woman" ... there are no words other than I AM!!
My truest wish and prayer for all on this glorious day, and always, is to have the light of spirit lift us all into higher flight .. towards the dreams the heart has savoured and protected for each one of us. For our entire beings to know the truth that is alive and waiting to be freed within our soul. It is time now to reflect and allow for all of what each of us are worthy of receiving and experiencing - may we each unfold our wings, find the courage to breathe and prepare ourselves for the destined flight ahead as we soar into the reality of our very own heart's desires .... Namaste wondrous beings - in light, love and sacred flight ... apachebluemoon

Thursday, August 23, 2007

anam cara

..." so at some point we stop asking questions and we start being who we are spiritually -- not our personality, which is apparent reality, but the authentic one, the Spirit inside, the one that never died"... - John Roger

May all of life be first discovered within the sanctuary of our beings - this requires utmost courage in order to allow for the blooming of our eternal flower ... Namaste my most beautiful ones - may we all be blessed to recognize our own anam cara ....

Sunday, July 08, 2007

This post is a sharing of what has transpired from the visit to the chapel on June 10, 2007. I share this with the utmost trust knowing that these words will find their way into the hearts of those seeking such an experience with self first ... and then beyond. Thank you for the courage to receive all that is divinely placed before us at all times ... this is my prayer for all - apachebluemoon

SACRED INTIMACY - written June 16, 2007
Love has so many different faces
Love can lead us to such wondrous places
And then there you stood, and my heart opened wide
to the memory I've had more than a thousand times
I never knew it to be
Until I looked in your eyes
Then a calm came over me
As I truly realized ...

chorus - You have been the one I have been searching for
You are the one that's brought me to this door
Forever in my dreams, never understanding why
Until the moment I seize, this depth of love to be

None of this makes sense
Yet this is all I've come to know
So many worlds apart
Yet I can feel you deep in soul
With every blessed breath I take
I would love to hear your call
I will patiently await
And try not to fall ...

chorus -

There's no need for expectations
For I know the truth at hand
God has a way of orchestrating
Heaven's magic plan
So please come take my hand
Let us walk the next while
There is work for us to do
To let the light of love shine through

chorus - Baby, you are the one I have been searching for
Yes, you are the one this heart is longing for
Forever in my dreams, now fully realized
Yes you and I are one, divine sacred intimacy!

... I have since been told from the powers that be and the ones whom guide that these lyrics will be put to music and soon recorded and released for the world to hear ... namaste my beautiful ones and feel free to comment should you so desire - apachebluemoon

Monday, June 25, 2007

My beautiful ones ... I am taking this as a sacred opportunity in sharing with the world the utmost gratitude for spirit and its most divine instruments ....
Amazing how we are always given all of what we require in the moments of our journey. I stand here embraced in the light of magnificence that was and still does, completely surround me; so much ease and strength that was so easily offered. Thank you my friends for the love and support that you so beautifully shared with each and everyone of us .... you may be known by name but in my heart will always be remembered for so much more - thank you for lifting me up when I needed to be and holding me when I could have fallen - love you so ... apachebluemoon

Thursday, June 21, 2007

... life changing ...

The reason for this particular picture is simple ... it was the physical support mechanism that allowed for the full, complete remembrance of all things deeply rooted in truth within my own "sacred house" . Little did I realize at the time just what would be brought forth by entering into the door, hours before becoming ordained. I was gifted with an experience that has still to become fully integrated and understood. What I can share is that something DID happen and I will never again be the same! I entered the room, fully present, moments after watching the beautiful sun rise. As I closed and locked the door behind me, I was quickly overcome with a sense of peace and utmost gratitude. The feelings then brought me to the most heart felt release for all things ... each and every person and event that has ever happened to support the moment at hand. After crying for 15 minutes ... I then opened my mouth to hear a voice come from deep within that had never been heard before, or since. The closest thing that I can physically compare it to would be the sound of "angelic chanting" .... I was moved beyond words of any kind, and still am. The sound, the volume, the octave range that was being activated was something from another realm ... the realm so many of us have come to know and call home!
After I was able to find some form of composure, I once again gave thanks and left the altar. I stepped outside and spoke to the universal gods sharing my thanks for all of what has been so gloriously given, and then acknowledged that I have been blessed with everything I have ever asked for .... it was then, that my voice was lost! It is just finding its way back but certainly quite different than ever before. I honestly do not completely know yet the depth of what this all means but know that it is something bigger than most of us could ever intellectually understand! It is within that knowing, that I fully accept and honour all as being the next unfoldment to this most spectacular truth we have all come to know .... LOVE!! So, in sharing, I would like to enclose a excerpt from the "LOVING EACH DAY" site that speaks on this phenomenon known as love .......
"The purest love is always unconditional. There are no strings, no conditions, and no expectations of any return. The giving is pure. If you give 100 percent, you can bring healing to anything"... John-Roger with Paul Kaye
My precious friends - may the light and love of your soul find its way to reach all those whom are blessed with your presence, today and always .... apachebluemoon

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

... thank you ....

Amazing how life prepares us for the unseen ... just as I was convinced I was participating in a completion of such - here I am beginning anew!! This post goes out from my heart to all those beautiful ones whom I have had the blessed experience of re-acquainting with!! Thank you to all of you for making my week at Sunrise Ranch, one I will never forget. The depth of feeling that I have for each one of you is unbelievable yet so real ... coming home is a wonderful gift and all of you made that soooo easy for me! I love you all and am extremely excited for the rest of our days together ... Namaste my beautiful ones and thank you so much for being the gift that will never stop giving ......

Thursday, February 22, 2007

I'm back ...

Well my friends ... it certainly has been quite an extended lapse in time regarding the updating of this beautiful site for those whom find interest. Thank you for the patience and understanding - there is much gratitude that comes when one can truly appreciate the divine order of things even when the intellect cannot. My hope for all today is one of simple gesture ... be kind to the heart of self as well as to those whom find their way into your lovely space ... namaste