... life changing ...
The reason for this particular picture is simple ... it was the physical support mechanism that allowed for the full, complete remembrance of all things deeply rooted in truth within my own "sacred house"
. Little did I realize at the time just what would be brought forth by entering into the door, hours before becoming ordained. I was gifted with an experience that has still to become fully integrated and understood. What I can share is that something DID happen and I will never again be the same! I entered the room, fully present, moments after watching the beautiful sun rise. As I closed and locked the door behind me, I was quickly overcome with a sense of peace and utmost gratitude. The feelings then brought me to the most heart felt release for all things ... each and every person and event that has ever happened to support the moment at hand. After crying for 15 minutes ... I then opened my mouth to hear a voice come from deep within that had never been heard before, or since. The closest thing that I can physically compare it to would be the sound of "angelic chanting" .... I was moved beyond words of any kind, and still am. The sound, the volume, the octave range that was being activated was something from another realm ... the realm so many of us have come to know and call home!After I was able to find some form of composure, I once again gave thanks and left the altar. I stepped outside and spoke to the universal gods sharing my thanks for all of what has been so gloriously given, and then acknowledged that I have been blessed with everything I have ever asked for .... it was then, that my voice was lost! It is just finding its way back but certainly quite different than ever before. I honestly do not completely know yet the depth of what this all means but know that it is something bigger than most of us could ever intellectually understand! It is within that knowing, that I fully accept and honour all as being the next unfoldment to this most spectacular truth we have all come to know .... LOVE!! So, in sharing, I would like to enclose a excerpt from the "LOVING EACH DAY" site that speaks on this phenomenon known as love ......."The purest love is always unconditional. There are no strings, no conditions, and no expectations of any return. The giving is pure. If you give 100 percent, you can bring healing to anything"... John-Roger with Paul KayeMy precious friends - may the light and love of your soul find its way to reach all those whom are blessed with your presence, today and always .... apachebluemoon
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