Amazing how life prepares us for the unseen ... just as I was convinced I was participating in a completion of such - here I am beginning anew!! This post goes out from my heart to all those beautiful ones whom I have had the blessed experience of re-acquainting with!! Thank you to all of you for making my week at Sunrise Ranch, one I will never forget. The depth of feeling that I have for each one of you is unbelievable yet so real ... coming home is a wonderful gift and all of you made that soooo easy for me! I love you all and am extremely excited for the rest of our days together ... Namaste my beautiful ones and thank you so much for being the gift that will never stop giving ......
You are the Light that shines everyday, the moon that caresses the night and the sun that cradles the day! Blessed be you now and always. Thank you for all that you do. Your friend, Sequoia
Oh my friend .... I have no words to express to you all that you are to me and the world as well ... its too bad you cannot "see" the tears of joy in my physical eyes this very moment. Love you so and thank you for taking the time to look into my world as you have!! cath
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