Friday, May 05, 2006
... a quick message ...
For those of you whom have become faithful readers of this work in progress, I say thank you! In light of this, to save any inconvenience that may occur on your part as a result of daily check-ins, I would just like to inform all of you whom this applies that there may be a short lapse in time before there will be any new postings added to this site. This is a result of having to take a wee bit of time to complete some other important projects that are in need of attention. My hope is that within a week or so, all will be back to normal .... sorry for any inconvenience this may bring about - thank you for your consideration in this regard!! Please feel free to continue to browse at your leisure and be sure to pass along to anyone you feel may receive some benefit from the readings ... May each of your days be filled with the opportunities to experience growth; the patience to allow for what may first appear as unneeded interruptions; and the openness to know the divinity that flows through all things .... blessings - apachebluemoon
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
... thank you ...
... a little Hindu wisdom for the soul ...
As quoted in the Bhagavad Gita (6:8-9) ..."They are completely fulfilled by spiritual wisdom and Self-realization - Having conquered their senses, they have climbed to the summit of human consciousness. To such people a clod of dirt, a stone and gold are the same. They are equally disposed to family, enemies, and friends, to those who support them and those who are hostile, to the good and to the evil alike. Because they are impartial, they rise to great heights ..."
... may we all rise to the heights from which our spirits need to fly ... apachebluemoon
...buddha laugh ...
"We don't laugh because we're happy, we're happy because we laugh." - as written by William James
For many reasons, I will always remain grateful for having met a beautiful person and teacher named Jackie. It was back in the days that I attended her Pranic Healing teachings that I was first introduced to the "Buddha laugh" and its meaningful purpose regarding the world of energy. To those of you whom are not familar with this concept, let me assure you it is definitely worth the effort in trying. What is required is simply this: stand with your head tilted back, tongue out in front of you, hands by your side or whatever is comfortable. Once this is done and you are in position, you simply begin to laugh out loud .... right from the very core of your belly! Sound crazy, absolutely but well worth the experience. Although in the beginning you may be forcing the laugh, you will soon be laughing on your own - it does not take much time for this occurance. The benefit of this exercise is plentiful. Not only does it aid in the release of pent up energy - it fills the being with an overwhelming sense of joy and peace! Something to try with a few friends or better yet a room full of strangers. It is almost certain that once the buddha leaves his mark - ease and contentment will follow ..... hears to wishing all of you a day filled with laughter - apachebluemoon
Sunday, April 23, 2006
.. success is much closer than you think ...
My personal thought regarding success comes more from an inner feeling versus outside criteria. This is how I've been guided from spirit to know just where to place my energies and in what projects are worthy of my serving in that given moment. This requires an abundance of trust in higher wisdom as there are times along this path that one may not truly see the higher purpose or measure of success. The whole idea of surrendering to this knowing has always provided me with the personal attainment of what my heart equates to success. In order to function in this capacity it is necessary to have "full belief" in the universal laws and "self"! When I find myself in a state of awe and peace, I am certain of the success that is;
... may each of you connect with the inner courage it takes to realize the depth of your success just waiting to be transformed... apachebluemoon
"Every situation, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity - you must act on them though to be successful. Distant pastures always appear greener than those at close hand but real opportunities are right where you are. You must simply take advantage of them when they appear. You can start where you are at any time. Success is all around you. It is not in your environment, its not in luck or chance or in the help of others. Success is in yourself alone. You don't need more strength or more ability or greater opportunity. What you need is to use what you have. Learn to seize good fortune, for it is always around you. You must go to success, it doesn't come to you. Open your own doors to opportunity". - Max Steingart
Saturday, April 22, 2006
.. Angels in flight ...
"Have you ever wondered how you were going to make it through the next moments? Perhaps when it seemed like there was no visible light, not even a single glimpse of a flicker in sight; and then all of a sudden something happens, someone new appears in your life only to find your time of darkness slowly dissipating. A coincidence or divine intervention, one can never quite know for sure! The timing of these arrivals, insights and such are so perfect in form that the results that follow leave us in awe. New directions, new thought processes, inner guidance and wisdom are quite often touched upon during these passages and meetings. Some would believe them to be merely episodes in daily life - things that just occur as our journey unfolds .. cause and effect, no hidden meaning to these events as they happen. Others believe them to be signs of the divine, guidance of a much stronger source ... answers from a higher place from OUR source of light and strength - our own GOD! In any case, many of our prayers are addressed within these happenings if one allows the heart to remain open to receive.
How crazy of us to believe that just perhaps there is more to this life than just the physicality that surrounds each of us as mere mortals occupyng this place we know as Earth. We are taught to believe as infants that "what you see is real" and what you cannot see is just myth or fantasy or make believe thoughts to help us through our many trying times. Those of us whom share this perception or thought are convinced that in fact, we are human beings first and foremost and as we mature and grow, we gather knowledge along the way and may attempt to look into the idea of spirituality, only if the need in one's life presents itself. Then there is the other spectrum with those whom have reversed the thought process and truly believe that we are spiritual beings first and foremost, living in a human body form. Life itself is our university or playground to where we are placed to learn many of its' life lessons, to gain the wisdom that comes with the courage of surrender - thus leading to the knowing that life here on this plane of existence is short. Human life existence teaches us the emotional factor. Feelings of love, sadness, anger, envy ... all major players in the disruption of one's physical well being. The goal or key to happiness then would be to learn how to effectively deal with these issues in a healthy manner as we co-exist with ourselves and those around us. Are these learning curves we find ourselves in hit and miss or do we have help along the way through unseen and unmet forces? This question is one that only the individual can answer. It will be this answer that will determine one's mindset as to the belief in whether there are signs posted along the way, openness to acknowledge that just maybe these happenings that we mysteriously experience could be, and are, the work of our angels in flight!" - apachebluemoon
As quoted by Gary Kinnaman ..." Have you ever considered that just perhaps, the reason you have gotten as far as you have is because of invisible work of anonymous angels? Good strangers in the night?"
If interested in responding to this or any of the other postings, please do and drop me a line at Your thoughts and comments are graciously welcomed. Should you have something that you would like to share on this website, please feel free to pass that on as well - infinite blessings ... cathy
Thursday, April 20, 2006
This idea of impermanence is central to the Buddhist teaching. It is believed that "impermanence" brings hope, it embodies the spirit of freedom, denies the control of Gods so that one can become their own master. It also shatters the concept of predestination meaning we can actually have a hand in our own future. A life of misfortune can then actually turn into one of prosperity. It carries with it the freedom to change our lives should there be dissatisfaction of any kind.
According to Thich Nhat Hanh ... "Without impermanence, life is impossible. How can suffering be transformed without impermanence as it is needed for social justice and hope. With impermanence, every door is open for change..."
To lend understanding to this concept, I have included an example from the writings of Rigpa ....
To contemplate impermanence on its own is not enough: You have to work with it in your life. Pick up a coin and imagine that it represents the object of which you are grasping. Hold it tightly clutched in your fist and extend your arm with the palm of your hand facing the ground. Now if you let go or relax your grip, you will lose what you are clinging to ... that is why we hold onto things! The other possibility that exists is this: You can let go and yet keep hold of it with your arm still outstretched, turn your hand over so that it faces the sky. Release your hand and the coin still rests on your open palm. You let go and the coin is still yours even with all the space around it. So .... there is a way in which we can accept impermanence and still relish life, at one and the same time, without the need to grasp or hold it!
What I will share with all of you through my personal experience is that once I fully engaged in this method and completely integrated the concept as it pertained to my personal holdings, I did embrace a great sense of freedom and understanding. The agony that was once so chaotic and binding soon dissipated - it was replaced with a greater sense of personal power with respect to not having to believe I was without what I was convincing my head I needed in order to feel peace. The idea of misfortune was then turned into opportunity; this freedom did open the door to greater hope of good things to come ... my desire is, for all whom are seeking another way, to ponder this and truly allow for the integration of this principle. There is a strong certainty that is being offered that the understanding and movement into enlightened states of knowing will come to those whom have the courage to honour the process ... apachebluemoon
... solution to the dawn ...
"Look to this day! For it is life, the very life of life. In its brief course lie all the verities and realities of your existence! The bliss of growth, the glory of action, the splendor of achievement; For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision; but today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope ...."
How we can find ourselves in such illusions of despair - the pains of loss of all sorts and the many levels of havoc the heart gets entangled in. May we all find the strength within to capture the essense of what life really means to our hearts so that peace can lead the way into joy and contentment. Let us allow the resonation of higher truths to guide us with full gratitude for the beauty that forever surrounds us .... blessings always, apachebluemoon
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
... above all else, we need to nourish our true self ...
" - we so often make the fatal mistake of identifying with our confusion, then using it to judge and condemn ourselves which feeds the lack of self-love so many of us suffer from today... - how encouraging it can be to accept that from one's perspective we all have hugh problems, which we bring to the spiritual path and which indeed may have led us to the teachings ... - and yet to know from another point of view that ultimately our problems are not so real or so solid or so insurmountable as we have told ourselves ..." - Rigpa glimpse
With this in our mind for comtemplation, one may also include that "the eyes see only what the mind is prepared to comprehend" - Henri Bergson and that in order to bring about change, " you must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Gandhi
One cannot look to the outside to attain or experience the true meaning of love. The true gift of spirit lies within waiting to be expressed. As written in Tirukkural 22: 213-214 .... " Of all duties, benevolence is unequaled in this world and even in celestial realms. He who understands his duty to society truly lives. All others shall be counted among the dead ..."
May we open our hearts to the true nature of our spirit in order to receive all of the riches that have been bestowed graciously. Must we always remember that the path of transformation with its moments of pain and confusions are opportunities for movement into the higher realms of soul understanding... finally, to know that with every cross that has been beared, there is an inherent responsibility (without infliction) to share the gifts of wisdom, once revealed, to those whom seek the greater truths of the universe .... with love and blessings - apachebluemoon
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
... words of hope ...
A big thank you is being sent from my heart to a very dear friend whom in her kindness was guided to forward this quote onto me this morning. I feel compelled to share this as a means of perhaps offering support to those who are within personal moments of challenge ....
"When we come to the edge of the light we know and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, of this we can be sure ... either God will provide something solid to stand on or ... we will be taught to fly." author unknown
I am truly grateful for these words as there is a deep knowing that many people at this time are facing many difficult decisions that will in fact "change" the course of their direction! Hope is a required element that will allow for the evolution into certainty. Peace and serenity comes from the knowing that "we are and will always be" taken care of. Once this idea can integrate into our reality, the difficulties and obstacles that we face can then be looked upon as opportunities for growth -
Hope provides for a space of strength to enter in; strength provides for a space of choice; within the strength to choose the act of surrender, movement to a higher place of peace will pervail .... may these words be my gift of hope to all - apachebluemoon
Sunday, March 26, 2006
... paradise...
Sunday, March 19, 2006
... to be "in spirit" is to be inspired ....
It can be in the space of distance that the heart of one may be reached and touched enough to open up to "see" and "know "a deeper meaning and understanding of circumstance. It is within this sanctuary that one's true purpose here on this plane of existence can be found ...
I offer my heart-felt thanks and gratitude for the infinite love, support and guidance I have been blessed to receive from so many in my almost 40 years of life. It certainly is the catalyst behind this website - for I ask, without all of you, where would the true purpose of this serving be found .... may the abundance of love, light and peace always be within your hearts .... namaste!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
.. "the last testament of a beautiful soul" ...
This writing is a heartfelt tribute to the spirit of a beautiful soul; one who was able to touch the hearts of many whom never had the blessed opportunity of sitting in her physical presence. I being just one of those people who has been forever moved through the shared experiences of such a young girl. It was through the sharing of her writings that Kelsey King's faith in God and true appreciation for the deeper meaning of life will forever be etched in my mind and soul. I give thanks to Gordon Sinclair, the Free Press and to the family of Kelsey for opening the door for all of us to see the beauty that will always be in the rememberance of this life ...Kelsey you have gifted so many through the sharings of your heart. Amongst the pain being felt by those of your closest family and friends in this short time since your passing, there is a sense of comfort that will remain because of the truth, courage and faith that you have given to all.
As written by Kelsey King - "a child's first word is so wonderful to their parents ... I think a person's last words will define them, and what they were in life." Kelsey's last ever written words on March 4, 2006 were as follows:
"Watches, clocks, numbers. The ticking ... suffocates me ... I try to think of the Lord's plans for me as I listen coldly to the hands or the ticking of the clock. It's like breaths of fresh air are dwindling, but I have to understand heaven's fresh air is waiting for me, too."
"May the angel's wings of love lift you to your sacred place. May you find the rest needed to continue on with your beautiful journey. May you see and know the difference you made to so many in your time here on Earth. May you feel the love that will always remain eternal in the hearts of all whom were blessed to know the angel within you .... soar high my friend - forever in heart, apachebluemoon
Thursday, March 16, 2006
... a prayer of thanks ...
This writing is an offer of heart gratitude and blessed thanks to the Creator whenever one is given the opportunity to accept change in the space of relations with anothers' divine growth - and so it is!
I love you completely and honour you always. You are
and will always be to me my perfect love. My gift to
you is infinite happiness for a life that is meant to
be lived to the fullest. There is no loss, but rather
a deeper closeness and connection of "one" that is
ever-present and never-ending ... always and forever!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
...daily stirrings from the heart ...
"The balanced energy is the birthing energy. I used to say that the birthing energy was all feminine - - its not. You have to push and you have to be. It's such a potent example of the dance of the feminine and masculine together, the dance that is the creative energy of life!" - Joyce Irvine ( as borrowed from the daily guru site)
May we find peace and contentment within the nature of our elements ... apachebluemoon
April 9, 2006
As stated in Rigpa's glimpse of the day: "We have been taught to spend our lives chasing our thoughts and projections. Even when the "mind" is talked about, it is only thoughts and emotions that are referred to; and when our researchers study what they imagine to be the mind, they look only at its projections. No one ever really looks into the mind itself, the ground from which all these expressions arise; and this has tragic consequences ..."
May we be blessed with the wisdom to explore the deeper realms of meaning and truths in order to connect with the divine source of all ancient knowings of the spirit and soul - for it is within this space of source and beginnings that we remember who we are ... apachebluemoon
April 8, 2006
"All new beginnings require that you unlock a new door." - Rebbe Nachman
May you have the desire to dream with your heart's passion and to serve the gifts of spirit freely ... apachebluemoon
April 6, 2006
"Angels, like parables and fine poetry, speak in many layers of meaning and mystery, trying to express the inexpressible. If we ignore them, our lives are the poorer" - Archbishop Desmond Tutu
This quote supports the many meetings we as human beings have on this earth plane. Be it sitting beside a stranger on a shared flight from the Bahamas ( that's for you Debbie) or whatever simple encounter we may experience, the choice to ignore the opportunity that is presented to us in that very sacred moment of connection is the loss. To miss out on the chance to share a meaningful connection and receive whatever soul food is being served in that space is the result when one remains closed off to the divine interactions that are around each of us all the time. There are no coinkidinks ... by this I believe that every moment and every encounter holds within it great meaning and guidance for our chosen path. I have found that we are surrounded by earthly angels that show up just in the right moment for us to receive .... only if our heart is open to this divine method of communication. May your day be filled with the magic and abundance of all things good; may your heart be open to be touched through the angelic message of love ... apachebluemoon
April 5, 2006
There is an old yiddish proverb that says: "If I try to be like him, who will be like me?" Within this crazy busy daily life we are all apart of, it tends to be quite simple for our true essense to be lost. I do believe that this is just one of many by-products that are the result of one's reliance on outside sources to define the inner core of whom we all are. The ability to believe in self is truly the journey at hand that requires a discipline like no other. It is a choice to "see" beyond what most of us are able to view while trapped within the illusions of grandeur. The inner peace that so many are in search of will be felt and graciously bestowed once the denial process is halted; for it is only then that the depth of our light and beauty can shine in the manner it was meant to! May the spirit that lives within us all be united with the physical road that will allow for the nurturing and sharing of our own uniqueness - for it is within this harmonious connection that our spiritual authenticity will be birthed ... in light and love always, apachebluemoon
March 21, 2006
"The most important thing is not to get trapped in what is seen everywhere in the West, a "shopping mentality": shopping around from master to master, teaching to teaching, without any continuity or real, sustained dedication to any one discipline. Nearly all the great spiritual masters of all traditions agree that the essential thing is to master one way, one path to truth, by following one tradtion with all of your heart and mind to the end of the spiritual journey, while, of course, remaining open and respectful towards the insights of all others. In Tibet, it is said "knowing one, you accomplish all." The modern faddish idea that we can always keep all our options open and so never need commit ourselves to anything is one of the greatest and most dangerous delusions of our culture, and one of ego's most effective ways of sabotaging our spiritual search" - Rigpa
For anyone interested in the site that offers these daily insights, it can be found at -
... let us remember that today can be the first day of the rest of our lives - what better time than the present to begin anew ... apachebluemoon
March 20, 2006
In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities; in the expert's mind there are few. - Shunryu Suzuki
This certainly is a good one to ponder - it's origins come from the buddhist faith and my experience is to not jump too quickly to a conclusion. Allow for the words to sink in within your silent space and then allow for whatever truth may come to mind ... may your day be blessed with the inner peace that will allow for deeper understandings - apachebluemoon
March 19, 2006
While writing an earlier post, the song that came over the radio waves was one that was in complete alignment with my inner thoughts as to what I wanted to share as a daily heart stirring. The song "Love Lift Me" by artist Amanda Marshall has a very powerful lyric that tends to make my heart want to sing along. Music has a way of reaching the soul in a healing capacity like no other ... take a moment and allow the heart to connect with whatever song is calling out to you!
LOVE LIFT ME - Amanda Marshall
" ... but its so simple sometimes, just to lay your heart open wide/If you
want to get to heaven, then you gotta take the ride/
Love lift me, wherever you are//Convince me, I'm safe in your arms/
Love lift me/Make sense of it all/Teach me to fly/And don't let me fall
... Gotta fumble in the dark if you wanna see the light ...
Love lift me/Wherever you are/Convince me I'm safe in your arms/
I'm waiting on you/Cause nothing can lift me the way that you do/
Only love can take me higher ... I wanna fly!!"
May your days be filled with laughter and song ... apachebluemoon
March18, 2006
"When our mortal eyes close on this world for the last time, our angels open our spiritual eyes and escort us personally before the face of God." - Eileen Elias Freeman
Thank you to a beautiful angel named Kelsey ... apachebluemoon
March 17, 2006
A question to ponder ... how many of us know of things that we would like to do but never give ourselves the permission to try because we feel we are absent of what we believe is necessary in order to succeed? I know I have been incredibly guilty of this on far too many occasions to account for. It wasn't until I realized amongst my own self-imposed sabbotage that I, little old me, was the only one and will be the only one ever "responsible" for my desired outcomes. I needed to break through the "fear" of all the roadblocks that I was allowing to steer the vehicle. Whether they were the basis of anothers' thoughts or the premise created by society that dictates who is capable of success; once I realized that the fears were only "false expectations appearing real", I was only then able to remove the veil of scarcity that I had become so accustomed to believing in. It wasn't until then, that I truly was certain that success is simply the courage it takes for one to follow the heart's desire, the strength to stay true to the passion within, the grace to allow for the natural unfoldments and the gratitude to know that the power to succeed will always be found within one's ability to BELIEVE!
May the sun shine on all of your dreams; may each of you never stop believing in the real power of you and may the world always be touched by the light of your spirit ..... apachebluemoon
March 16, 2006
May you have:
A world of wishes at your command, God and His angels close at hand. Friends and
family their love impart, and Irish blessings in your heart! Happy 11th Birthday my sweet angel girl KELLY ....
March 15, 2006
True ecstasy is passive: it overwhelms the heart without
any intention or deliberate effort. It is the fruit of spiritual
devotion and worship ... Qushayri, "Risalah"
May your days be filled with an abundance of ecstasy, the joy of laughter and a lifetime of
love, light and peace - always .... apachebluemoon
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Self -Love ... the essence of transformation
The importance of self-love is immeasureable. The healing of one's spirit, truly, is dependant upon one's ability to first embrace the gift of love that resides within us all and then engage in the natural process of giving. Love is "for giving" .... it is within this process that the heart will receive all of what is needed. To love the self appears to be a simple concept. I do believe that people have the present awareness to understand that most inner challenges can be resolved through the process of self-love. The obstacle however that continually surfaces in this growth process is the simple fact that although most people can recite the idea of self-love, there appears to be no clear means of attaining this inherent gift that resides within all hearts. Yes, there are thousands of self-help books and seminars readily available to those whom are seeking guidance on this topic. The industry supporting this form of expression is truly on the rise as so many of us are needing methods to deal with the dis-eases of today's society. The increasing need to feel and know inner peace is something that is becoming an important staple in our existence. There has been a definite shift within the universe that is now in support of the feminine principles. We are seeing more and more celebrities utilize their own platforms in an attempt to create a humanitarian awareness to suppport a movement into that of compassion and uncondional love. This truly is the beginning of more to come ... as spoken in the words of John Lennon ... "imagine all the people, living life in peace" ....
I came across a quote written by Share Gardner that I would like to share regarding ones' interpretation of self-love. It is as follows: Self-love is the single most important healing concept you can master in your journey toward enlightenment. No medicine is as effective, no energy as powerful, no process as simple. No matter who you are or what your life story is all about, learning to think of yourself with warmth, generosity and nurturance will add a hugh measure of abundance and joy to your life and to the lives of those you touch -
... may your journey begin ....