Friday, April 11, 2008

... gifted moments ...

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It is with complete gratitude that I offer this space today to honour the essence of spirit and the wondrous ways our lives can be gifted should we allow for the love of God to be embraced in all of our levels of existence. It is through the process of understanding and compassion in the moments we are called upon to display tolerance and acceptance to those sometimes extremely difficult experiences we find ourselves involved in; be it alone or with others we have chosen to love. There are many unexpected events and opportunities that greet us each moment of each breath that may or maynot be what we believe to be ideal circumstances. Sometimes these experiences may be short lived while others may require time; time to work themselves out so that peace and clarity can be the gift given. For those of us whom have the infinite patience to endure the trying moments while trusting the ushering in of our desires .... I applaud you today and everyday for the courage it takes to remain humbled and steady in the face of adversity. Seasons change as do the paths of the good red road we walk as we grow into the magnificence of wholeness of who we all truly are! "I am that, I am", IS, who we all are - We must always try to remember to celebrate our victories in movement, no matter how large or small they appear. This is OUR life, these are OUR treasured moments, this is WHY we are here and HOW we can change, once we accept the power that lies within us all as that of complete and supreme oneness to love! Thank you to every single being I have been blessed to have share in my journey thus far ... thank you for the many "teachable moments" you all have brought forth for me; thank you for the freedom in KNOWING that in order to have everything one must be willing to surrender everything ...
And so it is - let our hearts continue to guide us with infinite courage,divine grace,sacred wisdom to know that everything we desire is right here right now ... namaste and gods blessings to all - a very grateful apachebluemoon

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